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Ensemble Handbook & Syllabus 2021-2022
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Hale Ensemble Handbook



All band and choir members are expected to attend ALL school performances. If a student must miss a performance due to an emergency or major life event, a signed letter from parent/guardian must be turned in BEFORE the event.

If a performance is missed for a valid reason, the student MUST complete a make-up paper before the end of the marking period or semester. The paper topic and guidelines will be explained after receiving a valid parent excused absence letter.

Students MUST perform in uniform. See the uniform code for additional information about proper attire. Students will be unable to perform if they are wearing inappropriate performance attire.

Classroom Behavior:

Students Will be Expected to:

  1. Come into class everyday ready to make music with positive attitude.
  1. All students must participate as directed or report to the office for remainder of the class period if unwilling to cooperate.
  1. Bring their instrument, music, and a pencil to class every day.
  2. Refrain from excessive talking.
  3. Not bring food or drink in the room (other than water).
  4. Treat others and instruments nicely/put away equipment.
  5. Adhere to all rules in their Student Handbook!

Electronic devices: Cell phones, MP3 players, etc. are not allowed during the class unless special permission is given. This policy is also in effect for any school performance! Students are expected to have their ChromeBooks every day in class and only use them as instructed. This is a school-wide policy.

Uniform Code

Sporting Events:

Formal Event/Concert Attire:

        Students will receive concert uniforms but must provide their own of the following:

If a student is unable to supply the following clothing items please contact Mr. Billingsley ASAP so we can help supply your student with needed clothing items.


Music Ensemble Grading System

Daily Participation                                                 20% of MP Grade

Public Performances                                                40% of MP Grade

Playing Quizzes                                                40% of MP Grade

End of Semester Performance/Reflection                        20% of Final Grade


In Skyward this will appear as the “Participation” Category.

This makes up 20% of the Marking Period (MP) Grade

Every week students will be graded based off their participation for the ENTIRE week. If a student refuses to participate for a single day, they will not receive participation points for that week.

Good Participation Includes:

The first time a student forgets to bring their instrument to school, they will not lose their participation points for the week.


Playing Quizzes

In Skyward this will appear as the “Quizzes” Category.

This makes up 40% of the Marking Period (MP) Grade

Playing quizzes will happen periodically throughout each Marking Period. Each playing quiz will be informal during class. Students can choose to do their playing quiz as a group or individually. If a student gets a low grade from a group playing quiz, they can choose to do an individual playing quiz for a chance to get a better grade.

Public Performances 

        In Skyard this will appear as the “Test” Category

        This makes up 40% of the Marking Period (MP) Grade

Public performances make up the bulk of our performance throughout the year and can include things like football games, pep band games, festivals, and graduation. These are required for all students. Like a sports team, every single player in the group is ESSENTIAL. Missing a single person can detract from the performance and make the group sound worse. In the event of a serious illness, emergency, or serious life event students will be able to make up 1 missed performance per semester excluding band festivals. If a student begins to miss multiple performances they will either receive no credit or partial credit at the discretion of the teacher.  Please contact Mr. Billingsley ASAP if you know there is an event you know you/your child is going to be unable to attend.


End of Semester Performance/Reflection

        In Skyward this will appear as the “Final Exam” Category.

This grade is worth 20% of the final SEMESTER grade. The semester is 40% MP1 grade, 40% MP2 grade, and 20% for the “Final Exam” grade.

At the end of every semester there will be a concert that all students MUST perform in. Students must wear the proper performance attire as stated in the uniform attire. The day after the performances the students will have the class period to write a one-page reflection on their performance.



Before any school instrument can be used or taken home, an instrument check-out form must be filled out by the teacher and signed by both the student and their parent/guardian. This form acknowledges that you are responsible for anything that happens to the instrument while in your care.

Regular Maintenance or Repair for school instruments will be paid for by the school. However, Parents/Guardians may be held responsible for neglect of an item or if the instrument is lost/stolen.

Instrument Neglect or Abuse:

        Minor Abuse/Neglect

This is any action that could cause harm to instrument such as: improperly storing the instrument, putting foreign items into their instrument (pencils, etc),  or dropping the instrument. First time offenders will be given a verbal warning. If the student continues to neglect the instrument they may lose their instrument privilege.

Major Abuse/Neglect:

This is any action that is purposely trying to harm an instrument such as: throwing instruments, stepping on instruments, etc. Students who purposely abuse any instrument will be sent to Mr. Bowman and may be dropped from class.

Practice Policy

        Lunchtime Practice

Students are allowed to come in anytime during lunch to practice their music. Students are required to be in a practice room. Several students are allowed to practice at once. Food and drink is still prohibited in the room during this time.

After-school Practicing

I will be available after school on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays for one on one practice if students are struggling from 3:05-4:00. If you need extra help with music please let me know ASAP.

List of Required Performances

Marching Band Home Games:

Aug. 27th vs Whittemore (6pm)

Sept. 10th vs Peck (6pm)

Oct. 1st vs Au Gres (6pm) *Homecoming*

Oct. 15th vs Posen (6pm)

Oct. 22nd vs CHA (6pm)

Pep Band Basketball Games:

Jan. 14th vs Hillman 7pm

Jan 15th vs Au Gres 7pm

Feb 11th vs Fairview 7pm

Feb 18th vs Au Gres 7pm


Homecoming Parade - Oct. 1st 3:05pm

Memorial Day Parade - May 30th 9am


Christmas Concert - December 15th at 6pm

Spring Concert - May 18th at 6pm


District Festival Mar. 9-11th

(exact day and time TBD @Standish Sterling HS)

All performances available to view on calendar at

To save paper, please visit and click Band & Choir Handbook on the right side of the page to access our class syllabus

If you would like a paper copy, please let me know by calling (989) 728-3551 ext 186 or emailing me at

By signing below, I verify that I understand the rules and expectations place on my student while they are enrolled in a Hale Ensemble. I have also reviewed these with my student and agree to help my student adhere to all expectations. I, myself, will assist my student with ensuring their attendance at performances and provide a safe environment for  any school-issued equipment or clothing.

Student Name (Printed)

Student Name (Signed)                                                        Date

Parent/Guardian Email Address

Parent/Guardian Name Printed

Parent/Guardian Name Printed                                                Date